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Why Bad Space?

Are you sick of empty spectacles and endless sequels? I am. That’s why I created Bad Space. I love science fiction, but Hollywood has stagnated in a seventies time warp, where the same old ideas are recycled endlessly, never aiming for more than politically cowardly, scientifically illiterate bubblegum. Meanwhile, science has moved on. And so has the world. Late stage capitalism, fascism and climate collapse are barking at our heels, while our best and brightest peer deeper and deeper into the very nature of reality.

Science fiction should reflect that, even if, in the final equation, it is just grieving for the future we have lost.

Scott Base

Bad space comics are written and drawn by Scott Base, in Wellington Aotearoa New Zealand.

Not all my comics are available on the website. For exclusive member-only comics, sign up to my Patreon. Or if you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read on the site, please consider throwing a couple of bucks my way. Every little bit will help keep the comics coming.


Thanks for getting in touch!

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