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Pino Tredit
Pino Tredit
Jan 25, 2023

The metals we extract and use don't disappear. By smelting iron with carbon we create steel for our buildings... If our building collapse the steel doesn't evaporate into the air. In a post-humanity future metals would actually be much easier to acquire! Remelting steel instead than creating it from coal and iron ore is much more energy efficient (that's why recycling metals is important)!

There would also be S-tier metals widely avaliable because of our industry: aluminium and titanium. Light and strong.

Extracting Aluminium form the ore require electricity and a lot of it (we created metallic aluminium only in the 1800s!), while smelting it is actually pretty easy due to its pretty low melting point.

We have liberated so…

Jan 26, 2023
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Sure! But only if you knew to look for it. Our early cultures found huge quantities of iron ore close to the surface - which led to the iron age and then the bronze age etc. so metal was a part of our development from the early days. Because metal is so rare on their earth, it is more of a novelty item to the Birds, and doesn’t help them advance at all. Once they gain technological mastery however, as described, they discover metal - and no doubt start searching for it with more vigour on Earth. The point is, it was no use during their development.


Oct 13, 2022

I'm gonna take a guess that the bird people evolved from crows. Fun fact crows are currently in their stone age!

Dec 03, 2023
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Why not?


Pablo Lamprea
Pablo Lamprea
Aug 06, 2022

Wouldn't that mean that it's really not our fault that we are the way we are? Given too much, too early?

Quo vrep
Quo vrep
Aug 06, 2022
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To be fair, we weren't so much given our gifts, as we very much took them, by force and fury, from the earth and then each other. And are still taking to this day, despite knowing the cost and consequences. Feels very much like a choice, by this point.


Matthew Poehler
Matthew Poehler
Jul 28, 2022

Brilliant perspective and masterful storytelling!


Matthew Poehler
Matthew Poehler
Jul 28, 2022

Brilliant perspective!

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