That humans would learn of heaven, but use it to run their machines, well that does not surprise me.
We humes have a single world to live on. Many each day say that climate change matters (which it does) then they leave every light on in the house because they'll be going back to that room. They leave the air con on all day because the slightest variation in comfort is intolerable.
I bring up this example because I know people like this.
And I suspect many of us do.
There is no difference burning heaving now to disappear our future as there is to burn the carbon laden fuels now to leave nowhere but domes…
Me gusta
Jane Lane
15 jul 2024
So everybody dies in the end… and they go nowhere?
Me gusta
28 abr 2024
You continue to blow me away. Love the Indian representation too!
Me gusta
Lucas Leal
16 jun 2023
An infinite cicle, stagnating in eternal nostalgia.
Me gusta
Matthew Stuart-Lovegrove
31 may 2023
The continuance is fascinating idea. For those who lived happy lives, with caring friends and family who loved them, it would be a heaven. For those who lived lives of suffering and depression, those who escaped abusers and narcissistic families, it could well be hell.
What a wild concept.
That humans would learn of heaven, but use it to run their machines, well that does not surprise me.
We humes have a single world to live on. Many each day say that climate change matters (which it does) then they leave every light on in the house because they'll be going back to that room. They leave the air con on all day because the slightest variation in comfort is intolerable.
I bring up this example because I know people like this.
And I suspect many of us do.
There is no difference burning heaving now to disappear our future as there is to burn the carbon laden fuels now to leave nowhere but domes…
So everybody dies in the end… and they go nowhere?
You continue to blow me away. Love the Indian representation too!
An infinite cicle, stagnating in eternal nostalgia.
The continuance is fascinating idea. For those who lived happy lives, with caring friends and family who loved them, it would be a heaven. For those who lived lives of suffering and depression, those who escaped abusers and narcissistic families, it could well be hell.