Handwriting the perfect handwritten signature is rather an art form that involves creativity, skill, and personal expression. With all the psychology that is attached to the signature and these practical tips, anyone is able to make a signature that looks not only unique and elegant but authentically one's own. So pick up that pen, let loose the creativity, and make your mark in the world with that signature, shouting volumes about who you are.
Thauã Aguirre
Oct 07, 2024
This is surely Scott's best known work. At least the first one I came across. It is the comic I link to when I go "dude, you wanna see something awesome?" and I reread it every few months. It has everything. A short compelling story, gorgeous art and of course, cosmic horrors beyond my comprehension.
But I just thought of it. I teach high school physics in my spare time. And a trick I try to teach my student (yes, singular) to understand physics is to think of it all as energy being transfered or transformed. I can use this masterpiece to teach him this concept, posing the questions to how the suit works, where it gets it's energy from,…
Oct 15, 2024
Replying to
I would hesitate before showing this to a high school student… I mean, it's some pretty R-rated stuff…
Sep 29, 2024
Shouldn't he be completely bald, eyebrowless, and clean-shaven in the third panel? Even by the sixth panel, he still has his eyebrows. Surely the suit would take his hair before taking his arms and legs…
Zane Gomes
Jul 13, 2024
So are these just ideas or actual comics
Fernando Onodera
Jul 16, 2024
Replying to
That's a weird question, you read a comic and asked if it was a comic.Do you also face the sun and ask if it's the sun?
Handwriting the perfect handwritten signature is rather an art form that involves creativity, skill, and personal expression. With all the psychology that is attached to the signature and these practical tips, anyone is able to make a signature that looks not only unique and elegant but authentically one's own. So pick up that pen, let loose the creativity, and make your mark in the world with that signature, shouting volumes about who you are.
This is surely Scott's best known work. At least the first one I came across. It is the comic I link to when I go "dude, you wanna see something awesome?" and I reread it every few months. It has everything. A short compelling story, gorgeous art and of course, cosmic horrors beyond my comprehension.
But I just thought of it. I teach high school physics in my spare time. And a trick I try to teach my student (yes, singular) to understand physics is to think of it all as energy being transfered or transformed. I can use this masterpiece to teach him this concept, posing the questions to how the suit works, where it gets it's energy from,…
Shouldn't he be completely bald, eyebrowless, and clean-shaven in the third panel? Even by the sixth panel, he still has his eyebrows. Surely the suit would take his hair before taking his arms and legs…
So are these just ideas or actual comics
Suit of Theseus. Awesome